
Psychoanalysis and psychotherapy are unique opportunities to develop internal freedom through understanding and unwinding stuck patterns of thinking, feeling and relating.

Each person comes to psychotherapy or psychoanalysis for unique reasons. Often people enter treatment because they feel they have gone as far as they can on their own. They need the help of an intimate and supportive therapeutic relationship to make sense of and digest their emotional experience.

Together we will work to understand the roots of your internal struggles and how they are manifesting in current situations and relationships. We will work through these together in the context of our relationship.  We will address and ultimately change unsatisfying repetitive patterns so that you can be in more genuine contact with yourself and others and live with an enhanced sense of vitality and self esteem. Often patients feel over time that they are able to think and feel more freely and fully. They also become more open to what is unknown inside themselves as unconscious dimensions of their minds are discovered.